$AIAI Token

General Info

CA: 0x9dca9fa8c4730205757fdaf147b39b428844a6a3

SMC: https://basescan.org/token/0x9dca9fa8c4730205757fdaf147b39b428844a6a3 DEX: https://app.uniswap.org/explore/tokens/base/0x9dca9fa8c4730205757fdaf147b39b428844a6a3

Token Launch

On 1st December, 2024, $AIAI was launched in stealth mode with a market cap of $420,690 and 38% of its total supply locked in liquidity. No announcements will be made until we are confident that the "hype has died out" and no automated trading bots (snipers) remain. This strategy aims to introduce $AIAI as fairly as possible to the community.

What is $AIAI?

$AIAI is the operational token driving the AIAII ecosystem. It fuels all transactions on the platform and is integral to its functionality.


  • Active Participation: Encourages users to engage actively within the AIAI community.

  • Rewards System: Users can earn rewards based on their twin's engagement.

  • User Experience: Ensures a seamless and efficient user experience.


  • Twin Allowance: Provides allocation of tokens for user activities.

  • Twin Enhancement: Supports improvements and upgrades for your twin.

Last updated